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Peer Support Group

Redbridge Concern facilitates a weekly mental health Peer Support Group for people with lived experience of mental health problems.

Peer support means people supporting each other on an equal basis, to offer something based on shared experiences. It has a long and honourable history in mental health - people with mental health problems and service users have always provided invaluable support to each other, both informally and through self-help and activist groups. It can happen in all sorts of places, informally and formally, in one-to-one settings and in groups.

Peer support offers many benefits, for example: shared identity and acceptance, increased self-confidence, the value of helping others, developing and sharing skills, improved mental health, emotional resilience and wellbeing, as well as information and signposting.

To find out more about the group:

Please call or email us and ask for Kate, Ian, Jan or Sue who will have a chat with you about the group:

  • Tel:
  • Email:
Redbridge Concern for Mental Health
98-100 Ilford Lane, Ilford, Essex